In today's post, I will offer guidance and resources to parents of children with special needs to help them navigate the challenges of remote learning and provide the best support for their child.

Understanding Individualized Education Plans (IEPs): Each IEP must be designed for one student and must be a truly individualized document. The IEP creates an opportunity for teachers, parents, school administrators, related services personnel, and students (when appropriate) to work together to improve educational results for children with disabilities. An IEP has many sections, but the most important parts are the accommodations section and the annual goals.
Creating a Supportive Learning Environment:

Whether you are homeschooling your children or just working with them at home after school, it is important to set up a conducive home learning environment. A few examples of this would be having a designated work space to 'get in the zone' and help minimize distractions, playing calming music or having them use headphones, and giving them as much support as they need. Patience is key. If you're getting frustrated and flustered, they will too. Take your time, let them take breaks, and try to make the learning interesting and fun!
Effective Communication with Teachers and Specialists: Remember, open and effective communication is a two-way street. By fostering a positive and collaborative relationship, you contribute to your child's academic success. Pay attention to what teachers and specialists are saying and make sure to give your input as well. Teachers only know what they see at school, as the parents, you're seeing them in a completely different environment. Find out your child's teacher's preferred method of communication and make sure to get that set up early on. Approach communication as a collaboration between parents, teachers, and therapists/tutors. Seek solutions together.
Online Resources for at home learning: Free worksheets for ages K-5. I use this site mostly for comprehension passages and exercises. Virtual Math Manipulatives I pay for the yearly premium but they have plenty of games, guided lessons and online/printable worksheets in all subjects! You are also able to add multiple children and keep track of their progress by assigning certain activities.
Inspired Tutors Youtube Channel: I create videos in with phonics lessons, how to tell time, and read aloud for children to watch and work along with!
Addressing Behavioral Challenges: Provide choices whenever possible to empower the child and give them a sense of control. Something I like to do is to create some type of positive reinforcement system along with them. I have a 6th grade student with autism that works for tokens. At the beginning of each session I ask "what are you working for today?" He usually replies with: tv, iPad, book, or whatever game he is interested in at the time. If he earns all 5 of his tokens during our session, he earns whatever we agreed upon at the beginning. If he earns his tokens every day of the week, he also has something he is working for over the weekend! This is so helpful whenever he becomes distracted and we need to get back on track.
Be mindful of sensory sensitivities and provide a sensory-friendly environment. Offer sensory breaks when needed. This could even just mean using headphones in a quiet room as a mentioned above. You as the parent know your child best, so just use your best judgement and don't be afraid to ask them!
I hope this gave you a few tips or resources that you hadn't had in your toolbox yet!
As always, feel free to contact me with any questions.
<3 Jess

Instagram: @inspiredtutors
(561) 479-6848